Day 2
I missed yesterday. Actually the whole day was quite missed, nothing significant came out of it to be very honest, except the fact that I learnt something and built something. My first little project in my new Ubuntu setup. But at the end of the day, that project was useless.
I don’t want to keep whining about everything here, but this is important so I will talk about it. In the past few years, I have devised very big plans, real big plans, not baseless dreams but concrete plans with the steps and timelines prepared. And this is not just one time, I have did it many times. But then, I have failed in all of those, not because my planning was bad but because I did not take any action at all.
At the end of the day, what a plan is? It is the visualisation of the sequence and type of actions that are to be taken. If I fail to do that which is most important of all, I am obviously going to fail.
Sometimes, maybe not having a plan is still okay, but not taking action is the worst thing. I am not saying that plans should not be made, but they should be followed up properly.
I will try to do that from now onwards, I will make sure that all my plans are actually executed and they do not remain mere dreams. And yes I am doing it, as I am writing this at the moment. The writing itself is an action, of the plan I made before a few days, a plan to write everyday to improve myself.
I think I am writing very rhetorically. I am not sure why, maybe I am too conscious while writing. I will be trying to attain a state of flow. I want the writing to be effortless and the words to be pure. I do not have much to write as of now because I am not doing anything as such, but I will be doing a lot of things soon.